TOP, The Output Processor®
Software for Visualization of Monitoring Data and Simulation Results
The following files are protected by Copyright. Only
registered users of TOP are granted permission to download these files. This server
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for future tracking of access to these files.
Download Version TOP Version 6.0
Download Version TOP Version Patch
March 2015: This patch file fixes a problem reading data from some ATP PL4 files: TOP32.exe. After installing TOP, simply replace your TOP32.exe file with this new one.
TOP Installation FAQ
When running TOP, I see the error message "Failed to update system registry. Please try using REGEDIT.
TOP can act as a 32-bit ActiveX application, which means that you can use Microsoft COM to automatically
open files. When TOP opens for the first time, it checks to see if it has been registered. If not, then it
tries to add some entries into the Windows Registry. The Windows Registry normally is read-only
in Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/10 and Windows Server 2008/2012 unless you specifically
run using
an with a full administrator access token. To run an application one time with a full administrator
access token, follow these steps:
- Log on as a local administrator or provide the credentials of a member of the local Administrators group.
- Locate the program icon for TOP or a shortcut to TOP in Windows Explorer.
- Right-click the TOP program icon or shortcut, and then click Run as administrator.
- When the User Account Control (UAC) message is displayed, do one of the following:
- If you are logged on as a standard user, or if UAC is configured to always require credentials, enter the appropriate administrative credentials, and then click OK.
- If you are logged on as an administrator and UAC is not configured to always require credentials, click Yes to start the application
How to Use TOP
OPTIONAL: Download GigaSoft International Resource Files
GigaSoft International Resource Files
These files can be used to make many of the charts that appear in TOP to use languages other than English.
Open the ZIP file and install the language resource file, PEGRC32B.DLL, into the folder c:\winnt\system32\ or c:\windows\system\.
Download Supplemental Tools

Adobe Acrobat Reader


"TOP, The Output Processor" and "TOP" are trademarks of Electrotek Concepts, Inc.
"Adobe and Acrobat" are
registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
This page, and all contents of this server, are copyright © 1998-2014 by Electrotek Concepts, Inc.